Saturday, October 2, 2010

Week 46 in Paraguay

So, as you probably can imagine, I didn’t have much of a P-day with conference and everything today. I am already loving conference, the talks have been so great and really helpful. I want to try and use of lot of the things said about prophets in my lessons, it seems like that has been a pretty big topic today, prophets and the importance of following them. I also really enjoyed President McConkie in the Sunday School, he shared a lot of good things I can apply in my teachings. He touched on a few of the things that dad wrote me about in his last letter, thanks Dad. I am really excited for the sessions tomorrow, Laura’s family will be going, hopefully it can really help them progress. They aren’t really progressing much anymore, it has been really hard actually. Estela, the mom, is starting to get frustrated during lessons, and to avoid contention it seems like we always somehow get off subject. I really honestly feel like we have done everything and they still haven’t decided to get baptized, so hopefully Conference tomorrow can really help them. There has to be some way to better teach them by the spirit so they can feel the need to be baptized. I just don’t think they have recognized that spirit yet, they definitely see that it is something good in their lives that is bringing blessings. Something else has got to happen, so we’ll see what happens, but we might have to start lightening it up a little going to their house. We have a convert there at least, so I don’t feel like it is really for nothing because Laura is still progressing, we are trying to get her to go to the temple and she seems to be getting pretty excited about it. We really do need to try and seriously start looking for more things in our area. This week we found a new family, a wife and her husband, but they weren’t at the return appointment. We’ll see how that goes, we are going to go and try and visit them before Priesthood starts, hopefully we can teach them a little today and get them to go somehow tomorrow to see some of conference.
To answer the few questions at the end of your letter, my companion is from Reno Nevada. He is a convert to the church and he is a great elder. It is so much fun being with him. We have the same amount of time in the mission. We are learning the new curriculum together and applying it in our teaching. Another thing, he is way into cars and just stoked to be able to drive. My time behind the wheel might decrease a little, but I’m alright with that, I’ve still been driving a lot. I will still have to drive for parts of my job, so I don’t miss out too much, plus it is really amusing just to see how much joy and pleasure he gets from being behind a steering wheel, so sometimes I let him drive just so I can watch.
As for the baptisms, as I already said, they didn’t go through, and the more we go over the less sure I am about if it is going to happen, we are praying specifically for them every day and I know the Lord will only bless them based on their diligence, so I am learning patience a little. I guess we do have time, Elder Dailey and I aren’t really planning on leaving the area any time soon. Anyway, I love you all so much, sorry the letter is a little short, but like I said, I didn’t really have the ideal P-day today, so I am going to have to go so we can get a few more things done before the Priesthood session starts. I love you all sooo much, enjoy the rest of conference! Elder Adamson V

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