Thursday, October 15, 2009

Week 2 at the MTC

Everything here has been so great. I had such a full week last week I don't even know where to start. My companion was having a really hard time here. Well it ended up being more than that and everything has just worked out so perfectly there is no way to explain it but to say that the Lord has been watching over us, but before I can fully explain that story, I need to tell another one...

The first Friday here, my teacher pulled me and another missionary in our zone out of class, we thought for sure he was mad at us or something. I couldn't understand why he would pull me out, I mean the other guy sure, but not me. It turns out he thought we were both way too good at Spanish to be in the beginner class so he had us both tested to test out and go to the intermediate class. He was super impressed because I used the future tense in class one day. We didn't hear anything for a long time so we just figured we didn't pass the test and were stuck in beginner Spanish, but then last Thursday the guy over all the Spanish pulled us out and told us that we were definately intermediate Spanish level. The reason he waited so long was because the class was already so big he was trying to figure out how to make room for us. To make a long story short, because I have very little time, I was put with this other missionary and we are both now in intermediate Spanish, we moved up last Friday.

I am totally convinced that the Lord was completely had His hand in my not moving up for that long for a reason. As I said, my first companion was having a super hard time here. Every night he would get super sad and I would have to help him and console him. I don't want to get into the details, but he would be so up and then down. I would just have to pick him up. Last Friday, the same day I was moved and switched companions, he was scheduled to see a doctor because they think he has a medical issue that is making him super sad sometimes. Anyway, the reason I tell the story is that I know that the Lord wanted me to be with him until someone could figure out what was going on with him. At the very same time as when he was in an interveiw scheduling to see the doctor, my soon to be companion was picking up our new schedules. The more I think about it, the more I can see how the Lord was involved. I knew I should have passed the test. I took the same test here as I did on the phone and I passed easily here. I really know that the Lord just was looking out for my first companion and me at the same time, so he put off what I needed just for about 10 days so that he could give my first companion what he needed. I am just so grateful I was able to help. It was pretty hard to leave our old district to go to the new class, but I know it was what was right and I know that the Lord is looking over all of us, all the time, even when we don't think about it.

So my new companion is pretty cool, we were in the same district before so I already knew him so it hasn't been too hard. He's from California and went to BYU last year and is a lot like me, so we get along really well. We're actually in this little competition to see who can get more mail, and he is definately crushing me, so I could use a little help with that if that is okay... oh, and you are allowed to send me as many letters as you want mom, don't think you have to stop at one, I laughed when you asked that question...

Anyway, General Conference was so awesome, it was so nice to just relax for a little while, and it was crazy how much what the speakers were talking about was wrapped around what I am doing. We have been focusing so much on God's love for everyone and the importance of showing the investegator how to feel the Spirit and the importance of it. It seemed as though everyone said something about that, so that was just awesome how it applied so much to me.

I am soo excited to learn the Indian language in Paraguay, Guarani. There is this sister missionary here that is from my mission going to Salt Lake on hers, so she speaks English to me and I speak Spanish to her so we can both practice, and she has been teaching me some Guarani. I already know how to say some things like, How are you? and such.

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