Monday, June 7, 2010

Week 29 in Paraguay Change 5 Week 4

Hey Family! So first things first, my forehead is pretty much completely healed, in only a little more than a week. You can still tell it is there if you look hard, but you definitely have to look a little hard, but I am amazed at how fast it healed. I just put Aloe on it everyday for about three days, and then switched to neosporin and its completely gone.

My companion`s foot is doing really well, he just took a few days to recover because of how deep it was. Yesterday he got sick though and was throwing up at night and rested a little bit this morning, but it looks like he will be doing all right. He has been getting really trunky though lately, he does only have two weeks left until he goes home, the two companionships in the house has only made it worse too. The senior comp in the other companionship is a friend of his he made earlier in the mission out in Concepcion, a city out in Zone Lejos, which if you remember just means far away, and he is going home in two more changes, so the two of them together just make them both really think about home. Elder Williamson has been really good once we are out working, but once we get into the house he is just off the walls, slap boxing, wrestling, dismantling my bed, whatever he can whenever we are in the house. It makes for a fun time, but sometimes, as you can imagine, it gets a little crazy in the house.
Anyway, for my letter today I actually wrote down all the things I have been thinking about that I have wanted to write to you and so I`m going to see how much I can write with the little time that I have left.

First of all, I haven`t ever said anything about the buses here. Out in Pedro Juan there weren`t any buses, but here they are everywhere, probably half of the cars on the road are buses and we have to take them to get places all the time. The buses here are a lot like the NY subway in the states, but even more full of people. Especially in the morning and at night when people are going in and out of the city you`ll see a bunch of buses that literally have people hanging out of the bus, holding onto the hand rails to hold all the people in, and it's their job here, they work for the buses. They are pretty much there just to make sure people pay, but sometimes it seems like they`re there to hold people in too.

Another thing I`ve never told you, noone in our ward knows how to play piano, except one person, and she is a counselor in the YW Presidency and can only come to our ward on fast sundays, so guess who plays the piano on Sunday here, that's right, I do. I`ve got pretty good at just sight reading one hand, I still haven`t started playing with two hands yet, but maybe I`ll get there.

This week went by super fast and again, we aren`t having too much success with investigators, but we are having a little success somewhere else. We had 6 less actives in church this Sunday, two of which have 8 year olds that need to be baptized, so they won`t count as converts for us, but they will count as baptisms for the ward and maybe reactivate some families. One of the families is this lady that didn`t want to talk to us and go to chuch because she was living with her mom that hates the Mormon chuch. She already had another house but couldn`t move in because of all the brush that was in the lawn, it was a mess. So we got all the Elders in the ward together to do a service project for her and got her moved in. She seemed like at first she had just used us to get her moved in, so on Saturday we were walking by her house and Willy was on the phone so I thought I would just quick go over and talk to her. Turns out she had gone to the church last week and just didn`t go in because she was wearing jeans and saw everyone in dresses, so she just went home. We told her it was alright and that no one would say anything and to just come. So she came to church yesterday and really suprised my companion. Someone was trying to tell us that her son is 9 years old, not 8, so we may get a baptism out of it too.

Anyway, that is the good news today, I love you all and I am working hard for all of you, I hope Dad will recover soon from his ruptured calf muscle and I will keep him in my prayers, tell him to make sure to take it easy and let it heal, I love you all again, Elder Adamson V

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