Monday, February 14, 2011

Week 65 in Paraguay Change 11 Week 3

It has been another great week in the mission field, we have been working super hard and loving every minute of it! This week it seemed like went soooo fast, every single day we had something we had to do and couldn't use all of our time to work in our area, so the whole week just went by in a flash. We found some more great people this week, mostly just this one family that lives in this corner I've always wanted to contact. There is an older lady that lives there, Dora, with her daughter, Yessica, and all of her kids, 5 of them. Both of them are separated from their husbands, so the only people that live there over 8 are Dora, Yessica, and one of her sons, Osvaldo. They used to go to the church when they lived closer and ended up going about 5 times and they want to start going back so they can get baptized. The only problem is they are really poor and Dora doesn't want to take the kids in the clothes that she has and yesterday she said the clothes they were going to use didn't dry so they couldn't get to church. We are going to try and work with them a little more this week to get them set with a baptismal date and ready to go to church this week with clothes and everything. We are also working with this man named Toribio, the one that lives with his wife that's a member and quit smoking to be able to be baptized, I think I talked a little bit about him last week, anyway, he has now completely quit smoking and is finishing up a job quick so he doesn't have to work on Sundays. He is so awesome, it is so fun to just watch him learn and try to really change his life so he can get over his addictions, he is an amazing man I think will really help the church in leadership. We had zone conference this week too, and one of the things we talked about was teaching more men so the church can progress here in South America. A lot of the people we baptize here are women. We are putting a focus on finding men to teach now to be able to fill the churches here with more priesthood holders. The things we learned have already helped with Toribio and hopefully they will help us to have more people to teach in general. I love this work so much, I really have discovered a new outlook on enjoying the work and losing yourself in it, hopefully it is something I can carry with me for the rest of the mission. I don't have too much more time, I love you all so very much, I know I'm in the right place, exactly where I'm supposed to be and that the Lord's hand is in all I'm doing here. I love my Savior and I know that he knows the people individually I am teaching, I will rely on His guidance to know what it is they need, thank you all so much for all the love and support you always send me, love you sooooooo much, Elder Adamson V

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