Monday, February 7, 2011

Week 64 in Paraguay Change 11 Week 2

This was such a great week! Which is actually really funny because if you had asked me on Friday how the week was going I probably would have had a very different reaction. It really actually was a really hard week with not very much success, but we have been seeing so many special miracles.
First off, we have been visiting this family in our ward that is a little less active, the dad lives in Argentina for work, so the Mom and some of the kids live in the house alone. One of their daughters died last year at the age of 17 from a brain tumor and it has been really hard on the family. Well we were over there on Tuesday and I saw that there was this single room upstairs completely cut off from the rest of the house, there weren't any stairs or anything going up there, so I asked how they get up there, and she told me that you have to put up a ladder and then move the ladder when you come back down, kind of different, but not important to the story. Anyway, so I asked who lived up there and she replied that her daughter that died lived up there and they have kept the room exactly the same since she died. Then she started to explain to me the events of her death. She told me she died on the 22 of June last year. She was in Argentina when she went to the hospital and got back just in time for her to see her daughter before she died on the same day. She told me that once the girl got to the hospital before she went into a coma the last thing she said was that she wanted to see her Mom. Well, she said once she was in the hospital the first thing her other daughter did was call the Elders to come and give her a blessing on the June 21, the day before the Mom got back, and she said the name of the hospital.
I then realized that on June 21 I had gone to that same hospital to give a blessing to a girl in a coma from Capiata. I was the Elder that went to give her daughter a blessing the day before she died. It was a really great experience sharing our feelings with each other and it really was a big testimony of how much God knows us and really loves us. I distinctly remember giving that blessing and as soon as I put my hands on her head I knew she was going to die. I don't really remember what I said, but I remember I talked a lot about her family and the blessing was mainly directed towards them. As I left with Elder Ventura I told him we would never know the effects of that blessing, and here I am coming to know personally the family that Heavenly Father blessed through me. It was such a miracle to realize all of this, and then she explained to me that after she got there the girl looked up at her, then the mom had to go back to the house to get an analysis for the doctors and on her way home her other son called her to tell her she had died. So the girl made it just long enough to see her mother, when the doctors said she wouldn't even make it through the night of the 21st. Now, more than 7 months later, the Lord has blessed me with the knowledge of the effects of the blessing I was able to give.
Anyway, that happened on Tuesday, then the week got really hard, contacts weren't really working, it was hard to get into houses, I don't really get lost now though, which is nice. It was kind of like that all the way through Saturday, but we just kept on working hard and being obedient and diligent and then Saturday afternoon as we were walking down the road we passed this family and they stopped us and asked us if we knew one of the members of our ward, I told them I did and they just said, "Well we live right next door, when can you come over and visit us?" It was so amazing, we set up a time for that night, when we went by they weren't there, but we found them yesterday and explained to us that they were working and hadn't got home yet and they were really sorry, and then told us that the wife is a member and the husband wants to get baptized. Neither of them have been to church in years, but the husband has already started to try to quit smoking before even meeting with us so he could get baptized. He was smoking 20 cigarettes a day and he has got it down to 3 now, so we put a little plan with him and he accepted an invitation to be baptized on the 3rd of March. It was so amazing.
On top of all of that, Miguel got baptized yesterday and Elder Juhasz did the baptism. It turned out super great and his mom, who doesn't ever want to talk to us and is kind of against the church came to his baptism and seems to be really supportive of his decision. The missionary that started teaching him a couple months ago, Elder Claypool, who came with me and lived with me in the MTC, was able to come and be at the baptism too, so everything turned out really great.
Well, all in all, it turned out to be a great week, I really feel like this week I really learned the true meaning of Ether 12:6 "Ye receive no witness until after the trial of your faith" because this week really was a trial of faith, it has been hard to work hard in the area with it being to hot, me not really knowing where to go, who the members are, and worst of all not really having investigators, but sacrifice really does bring forth the blessings of heaven. I love this work so much and I am so grateful for the great calling I have to be a missionary here in Paraguay, I love you all so much, hope you have a great week, Elder Adamson V

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