Monday, June 20, 2011

Week 83 in Paraguay Change 14 Week 4

Due to some technical difficulties in the cyber space here, my computer is super slow. It shut down on me once, and I don't really have much time to write much of anything, but, so you know I am still alive and well, here I am. This week was a really adventurous week. We had a lot of unplanned things happen and we tried out our first division here as zone leaders and it turned out to be really exhausting. Our district leaders live about 6 hours away from us and we have to travel at night. So needless to say we took a good nap today and there might be another one coming here shortly. As for the investigators, Liz and Edgar are still in a little rut, we have been working a lot with them but they are progressing a little slowly. We thought maybe the baptism could be happening this week, but they didn't go to church yesterday and when we went over we realized it was because of some bigger doutbs that they have, and so the baptism is getting pushed to at least next week sadly. We really need to teach them well this week so they can get baptized next week because you can tell Satan is using this time to his advantage and he is just going to keep making things harder for them, so we're trying to get things moving as quickly as possible. Other than that we don't really have much of anything right now, we found a new family this week, the Branch President's sister in law and her husband. His sister in law was already baptized but never confirmed, and she is living with her husband and they aren't married yet, so we are going to work with them to plan a wedding and a baptism and then 2 confirmations once they are all ready. We also have this other young 14 boy that has gone to church every single week since I've been here, but his parents aren't too into the idea of him getting baptized, hopefully we can help them understand and if so, he already commited to getting baptized this week, so we may have one. Anyway, I love all of you so much, I know this is the true church and this is Christ's work, and I thank all of you so much for your support, Elder Adamson V

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