Monday, June 27, 2011

Week 84 in Paraguay Change 14 Week 5

Mba'e piko?! E'a! I can't believe Kimi already had her baby! It sounds like it was quite the process, but I'm glad to hear the baby came really healthy and everything is alright, as for me things are going great here too, but we had some delays today because of some health issues with some people in the zone, some logistics about missionaries going home going to the temple because we are so far away, and some other zone leader business like that. So I'm a little hurried, but I'll try to make the most of the letter, the biggest news, it's freezing right now! It is so cold, I didn't believe it got this cold here, this morning I climbed our tree and found frost on the top of it, when we went to bed the thermometer was at 4 degrees Celsius, and I'm sure it got colder as we slept, but it was beautiful today, we played some american football and it felt just like Thanksgiving, the air was perfect and the Paraguayans thought we were crazy in our shorts and T-shirts in the cold, but its really not that cold anymore, I think it was just last night. Anyway, I'm just going to answer your questions quick,
How many districts do you have? We have 3 districts in our zone, two with two companionships and one with three, and then us, we don't belong to any district, which is kind of fun.
How many sisters in your zone? None, Sister missionaries usually don't come this far out, the mission likes to keep them a little closer to AsunciĆ³n, there's really only one exception, but that's not in our zone.
Have your people gotten baptized yet? Sadly, not yet, they are going through some problems trying to get married, and its not looking very good right now, hopefully things improve and I can give you some good news next week, but as for now it looks like the soonest she could get baptized is in about 2 weeks.
How has your week been? It was a pretty good week, the only really eventful thing was that my comp got athlete's foot really, really bad, the mission nurse said it was the most miserable case of athlete's foot she has ever seen. It got so bad that his toe got infected on top of the athlete's foot and half of his foot down to his toes was all swelled up, so we had to stay home a little bit this week, we got a little bit of extra time to sharpen the saw.
Is your health good? My health is great, and it felt so great to play football today, and now my comp is doing really well too, the infection is gone, he's still trying to get rid of the last little bit of athlete's foot, but it doesn't hurt him as much now.
Anyway, I really don't have time, sorry for the short letter, say hi to Jackson for me and wish him luck if you can, tell him he's going to do great. I love all of you so much, Elder Adamson V

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